Archive for May 13th, 2011

May 13, 2011

Let's go back to 2006

by alicyn renetta

Links to the Mr. Brown ‘saga’ 5 years back.

That TODAY article

Diary of A Singaporean Mind: Mr. Brown Silenced

May 13, 2011

Irresponsible blogging and unreal tweeting

by alicyn renetta

1) Jump at any opportunity to slander PAP. 2) Share childish letter - firsthand information. 3) Construe a most wrath-inducing and misleading title. 4) Must remember to include hashtag.

Clarify - but DUN NEED TO apologize - 5 hours too late. Must purposely omit hashtag. Little wonder the fairy didn't come...BIASED can anot?

Sorry for??? Riot police doing what they are paid to do i.e. disperse riot? Aljunied losing NONE of the services?? kevlars' profile states she's either from Hong Kong or in Hong Kong.

How viral tweets are: What I see here is ruling party acknowledging an imperfection, isn't that a first step towards change? I thought they would at least see it as a change but just not THE kind of CHANGE they've been screaming for. ALAS, as chance would have it, I overestimate the opposition supporters. Up till now, they are sore losers at best (some say sore winners too), viewing Charles Chong's sentiment as a form of boasting-gloating. @hsiao_yun here retweets both sides.

@yannhuiyann really? u expect things to be a whole lot DIFFERENT just 3 days after an election? 'Elect' does not equal 'solve'. Actually, you should be glad that 'everything remained the same' - you know, that buses are still running and people are still alive enough to be taking them. Life goes on.

2 days after Mr Brown's reckless sharing, friend also shared the same article without reading. Resulted in it being the ONLY post on his wall without likes nor comments. ALL other posts had at least one. Frankly disappointed that none of his like-minded friends had nothing silly to say and that he DID NOT APOLOGIZE for calling PAP 'suay kuan' based on a false rumour. Well, at least this means they read through the comments to the blog post by other Aljunied GRC residents and knew it better to shut the f*** up. Thank you, Mr Brown for this rare, unknowing and unexpected PAP defence.

eh...u is not citizen rite? bet u weren't referring to yourself as one of the heartless citizens. wholly a matter of the foreign worker's employer being an unethical bastard, like that also can blame the gahmen. 一种米养百种人,一种政府不可以养百种人吗?

Question time:

Hell NO! They would keep harping on how unqualified she is, with just 1 year of CIP 'experience'. And maybe doing walkabout in translucent pink top. Kate Spade is really not a luxury brand LOR.