Posts tagged ‘Twitter’

May 31, 2011

by alicyn renetta


May 24, 2011

Today's Viral Tweets

by alicyn renetta

Who let the kids out?




May 21, 2011

Typical Profile?

by alicyn renetta

“I see #NicoleSeah & #TPL as two different persons. Nicole => Capable, Caring. TPL => Materialistic. #SGelections”!/ArrowManUp/status/71624686571757568

A 19 year old whom I can describe using 5 adjectives all beginning with ‘s’.

May 21, 2011

Example #20110521 of Twisted "opposition is angel, PAP is devil" Notion

by alicyn renetta

PAP candidates lose, we will retire ($$$$$). Opp lose, we will be back! Really show really have heart #fb #sgelections!/DewZW/status/71821509018140672

Sent from Echofon –

Come on, this is crap! The ministers that Aljunied GRC residents voted out must resign because being our minister was their FULL-TIME JOB. Having no part to play in neither Parliament nor the cabinet, they have been rendered jobless. To harness the word ‘resign’ (as opposed to ‘fired by the people we have served for 20 years’) is really taking it upon themselves rather than blaming the voters.

May 5, 2011

Singapore General Election 2011

by alicyn renetta

Dear’s predictionS (it’s Dear’s style of never committing to just one answer):

Best case: PAP win everything but with lower percentage than before
Likely case: Lose Aljunied GRC only
Worst case: Lose Aljunied GRC, Potong Pasir & Hougang

Since the announcement of nomination day (some call it ‘hour’) and polling day, I have
1. traded sleep to follow #sgelections on Twitter relentlessly – discussions too intoxicating, rallies too distant, NoiSe I couldn’t find more rude
2. liked 2 of XiaXue‘s posts, one on George Yeo and another on MM Lee Kuan Yew
3. become a fan of MM Lee’s FB page
4. probably crossed the line and stepped on my brother’s toes in relation to his tweets on this GE
5. shared 2 notes (and liked 1 other) on FB by people whom I don’t know but write well and present quite fairly
6. discovered some friends’ political stand
7. realized that one might share the same fervor in running, triathlons and soccer as their MP/Minister BUT not identify with the work they do
8. come into shocking knowledge of Singaporeans thinking the shit of Singapore, expecting PAP to meet their E-V-E-R-Y need and believing that Opposition will and can
9. a feeling that some citizens just want to have other voices in Parliament so they no longer will be embarrassed of a one-party government when speaking with foreign friends/colleagues (it’s unthinkable/unreal to a certain extent)
10. at one point feared: what if everyone thinks they are only 1 vote(no harm giving a chance for Opposition to enter Parliament) and that since everyone else will be voting for the ruling party anyway, they decide to and actually vote the Opposition in? With so many voices, it could be one hell of a noisy Parliament. Not just a shame, rather it would be a miracle if any agreement can be reached and policies made, in all of 5 years.
11. On many occasions wanted to shout in reply to the tweets I read: ‘this issue is not unique to Singapore, it’s global/way worse in some First World countries!’, ‘what insolence!’ or just ‘are you for real?!’

Quoting Xiaxue: nobody owes us a living. Double confirm.

It’s 12am in Florence now. Gonna shower, slap on a mask(my beauty diaries of course), take meds for that darn viral infection and aim for a good sleep.
Shall update this post or do another one addressing some points I personally feel very strongly about. 🙂